Monday, January 23, 2012

On Cricket

“I don’t like cricket, oh no
I love it”
~Dreadlock Holiday’, by 10cc
from the album “Bloody Tourists”, 1978
Ah, summer is upon us, the cicadas are chirping, the television is uniformly terrible and people whine on Facebook about the weather, whether it is hotter or colder than their personal ideal.  Actually, that last one happens pretty much year round.  Seriously, if you want relatively uniform weather, perhaps Melbourne is not the town for you.  For the most part, summer brings good beach weather, although I don't get out to the beach as much as I would have liked in recent years (WonderWoman has a bit of an aversion). I do rather enjoy that summer also brings with it the joys of the cricket. 
Cricket is a wonderful sport.  It has all the hallmarks of a great sporting endeavour.  While I have a little difficulty with comparisons of sport with war, or even gladiatorial duels, I would say that the contest of cricket can indeed be epic.  The game is viewed by some as long periods of dull nothingness as the batsmen await the next delivery, with brief flurries of activity after the ball is delivered.  It is in these periods that plans are made, mind games are played, and men are sorted from boys.  Exquisite skills are essential, likewise endurance, but both can be rendered inert without a depth of focus that few possess.   
For the record, I should make my definition of sport clear, as opposed to games: essentially, any competitive activity where overweight, middle-aged individuals can hold their own at the highest level is not a sport, it is a game.  Football, cricket, rugby - sports.  Scrabble, tiddlywinks, darts, golf - games. *
Cricket is far better watching than that other sport that pervades our airwaves in January, tennis.  I have nothing against tennis, and can enjoy a good match as much as the next blogger, but it seems to me to be the domain of the over-privileged and spoilt at the elite level.  Perhaps that is more a perception issue than fact, but there you are.  What I can't stomach is women's tennis.  Just can't tolerate it at all.  With all the grunting that goes on, it's often like listening to asthmatic wookiees wailing on each other.  It's just unnecessary and distracting and frankly selfish of the players.  Further, one only needs to listen to one self-important "Me, me, me" press conference from a Williams sister to have a bad taste left in one's mouth.
But I digress.  Where was I?  Cricket.  When I say cricket, I am not including the fireworks, froth and pseudo-excitement of the twenty over version.  I'm unsure why they don't just call it baseball and be done with it.  Why is it that they insist on altering the very essence of a game in order to make it acceptable to the MTV generation? It seems to me that those in charge of cricket have so little faith in its appeal that they feel the need to dumb it down to such a degree.  Perhaps such people ought not to be in charge of the game at all.
It's the five day test match cricket for me.  It's the only sport that I can think of that allows time for meal breaks.  At times, five arduous days of play is unable to separate the weary combatants.
  I would happily watch every delivery of all five days of play, if it weren't for the banal dullards that barely pass for a commentary team of the television broadcasters, Channel Nine.  Half of them were employed in the Kerry Packer days of World Series Cricket in the 'seventies, and seem to have it written in their contracts that  the only way they can be extricated from their jobs is to switch the commentary box for a pine one.  Some pundits may suggest that Richie Benaud has the look of a cadaver about him already.  The addition of younger types has done nothing but decrease the depth of the shallow talent pool that already exists.  Mark Nicholas has appears to have swallowed a thesaurus, with everything being amazing, fantastic, stupendous, and incredible.  James Brayshaw, surely the least capable commentator of any sport in the country (have you heard the Triple M football commentary? It's nigh unlistenable), is jingoistic and sadly uninteresting.  As for former test cricket greats Michael Slater, Mark Taylor and Ian Healy, as astute and insightful commentators go, they make fabulous cricketers.
The commentary on the radio, specifically the ABC is often derided as "Dad's Army" type stuff, the cruel nickname of "Tobin Brothers" sometimes being unfairly bestowed on them.  I beg to differ.  It is rich and entertaining, descriptive and absorbing.  It comes, I imagine, from the medium the commentators find themselves in - when the picture that speaks a thousand words is lacking, actual words must fill the void, and the creativity, humour, knowledge and intellect of the commentariat must come forth.  It does so on the ABC.  It dismally fails to do so on Channel Nine.  Without the need to fill a space, Nine's commentators have become lazy, hurling pointless platitudes, urging viewers to spend money on useless memorabilia ("Endorsed by Cricket Australia!" as if that is some kind of selling point) and committing the worst possible crime for a commentator - stating the screaming, bleeding obvious.  It's turgid stuff.  Worse still is the television network's arrogant penchant for delaying their telecast by some seconds in order to make listening to the far superior radio commentary whilst watching the TV broadcast difficult.  Difficult but not impossible, thankfully.
I would imagine that Cricket Australia has a degree of control over the broadcaster's choices.  If they wish to appeal to a wider audience, perhaps they need to make a few prudent decisions about those who form the face of the cricket telecast, other than the players themselves.  But, as stated earlier, those in charge don't always seem to have the very best interests of the sport in mind.  More's the pity.  I really hope they don't kill the sport entirely.  Summer just wouldn't be the same without it.
* There is far more to say about what is and isn’t a sport, and more controversies to be had no doubt. I will expand on it a bit further next time…
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Friday, January 6, 2012

On New Year's Resolutions

“Let’s turn over a new leaf
And baby let’s make promises
That we can keep
And call it a New Year’s Resolution”
~New Year’s Resolution’, by Randle Caltron, Willie Parker & Mary Frierson
from the Otis Redding & Carla Thomas album “King & Queen”, 1967
A new year has turned over and the time for resolutions is upon us.  You know, those promises we make to ourselves and others that usually last about three weeks into January.  Things that we are going to achieve in 2012, come hell or high water.  Let's hope the Mayans were not right about the whole end-of-the-world thing, because if they were, boy, ain't we going to look silly?
I'm not sure why one needs to resolve to do anything much starting on the exact date of January 1st, as if the changing of the year is any more significant than any other day.  In truth it's much like birthdays, where you make a big fuss simply because the Earth has gone around the sun once since... the last time you made a big fuss.  It's been suggested to me that the one-two punch that is Christmas and New Year is a period of holidays and hence a time of reflection and introspection.   Personally, I find being a part of a twenty-four-hour-a-day, three-hundred-and-sixty-five-days-a-year industry means that holidays are no more associated with the end of the year than any other time.  Mind you, making August 23rd resolutions doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
I happened upon a list of resolutions belonging to an American left-wing folk singer/songwriter by the name of Woody Guthrie (1912-1967), written in 1942.  They're amusing and quaint, sometimes even a little profound, and certainly worthy of some consideration.
(For the sake of clarity, Woody's list is in bold, copied here exactly as he wrote them, minus the small diagrams he drew on each line of the original list.)

1. Work more and better
2. Work by a schedule

I would very much have liked our Woody to start gently, but on he dives, straight into some real toughies.  I would dearly love to "work more and better" but really fear I'll have to settle for one or the other.  Both may be a bit of an overreach.  Not that overreaching isn't a worthwhile pursuit, but I think if you're going to make a list of things you want to do, it should at least be achievable.  Best keep the overreaching to yourself.  I've never been really good at that.  Maybe this year.
Schedules are all well and good and I have been recently keeping the diary/calendar a bit more comprehensively.  Next is to increase the whole twenty-four hours in a day to twenty-eight or so and I'll be all set.
3.  Wash teeth if any
4.  Shave
5.  Take bath
I certainly hope to end the year with the same number of teeth as at the start.
Shaving is overrated, and I would do it much less than I do already if it wasn't for the fact that I get somewhat less smooches from WonderWoman when I'm going the hedgehog option.
And for all those who question my sense of personal hygiene, I say this - I will continue to have a really good wash once a week, whether I need it or not.  Best not find yourself downwind.
6.  Eat good - fruit - vegetables - milk
7.  Drink very scant if any
Goodness me but my eating habits are appalling.  If they only stopped making fattening, artery-hardening foods so darn scrumptious, it would make 2012 just a little bit easier.
Other than the odd Bailey's, I rarely drink.  Too easy!
8.  Write a song a day
Woody Guthrie must have been an awfully prolific songwriter if he came anywhere near success in this one.  For myself, I will be content to write just one song.  One really, really good song.  My dear brother has suggested a collaboration which sounds to me like a capital idea.
9.  Wear clean clothes - look good
10. Shine shoes
11. Change socks
...and desperately avoid wearing clothes with whopping great brands on them.  I've noticed that my clothing selections are becoming more conservative as I get older, possibly because I'm realising that high fashion is a colossal waste of time and resources. 
12. Change bed clothes often
Embarrassing confession here: I'm so very, very bad at this one.  Maybe this year I'll be more regular. 
Who are we kidding?  No improvement here in 2012.  Bigger fish to fry.  Move along!
13. Read lots good books
14. Listen to radio a lot
Once the day is extended by a few hours (see resolutions 1-2), I'll be in with a fighting chance with reading more books.  I read more in 2011 than in 2010, but it's still an embarrassingly small amount.
Radio would need to get an awful lot better (especially commercial radio) for me to listen to any of it at all.  Let's not hold our breath.
15. Learn people better
I've said it once, I'll say it again: the world would be a better place if people just did what I wanted them to all the time.  Even when I'm wrong.
16. Keep rancho clean
See resolution 12.
17. Don't get lonesome
Surrounded by my family and friends?  How could I possibly fail?
18. Stay glad
19. Keep hoping machine running
20. Dream good
Clinical depression is a curse.  I wish, oh how I wish that staying glad was a choice.  I do know, however, that being content is a far better gift than being happy.  I will search for contentment and with it, peace.  With peace as the fuel, the hope machine runs smoothly and the dreams are indeed good.
21. Bank all extra money
22. Save dough
They say money doesn't buy you happiness.  I say I'd love at least one opportunity to give it a good shake.
The key to making really good money, it seems to me, is to be good enough at something that people will give you lots of money to do it.  I'm not sure I'm quite that good at anything.
Perhaps, it's all just a question of realigning my priorities and defining success differently to the way most people do.  See resolution 24.
23. Have company but don't waste time
This is a big one for me.  It was catching up with a dear friend that I hadn't seen for around fifteen years that prompted me to start writing the On Writing Blog in the first place, and for that, I'm eternally grateful.
People around us are so very valuable.  There are reasons that old friends are still friends even after circumstances mean that you don't see them as often as you would like.  Facebook has proven useful in maintaining contact, but I'm after more.  Be warned: if I haven't seen you or spoken to you in a while, I may be looking to catch up in 2012.
Even though the New Year is only days old, I've already caught up with a great friend I'd not seen for a while and one of the On Writing Blog's biggest supporters.  The result?  I was enriched, learned some new things, and a new idea for a blog post was born.
To "have company but don't waste time" is a noble goal indeed.
24. Send Mary and kids money
I'll swap this one for something more akin to "send more money to those less fortunate than myself more often".  I will do this since I am, along with the vast majority of my friends and family (along with the rest of Australia), amongst the wealthiest handful of people on the planet.
25. Play and sing good
26. Dance better
Can't dance.  Not quite to the same standard as, say, Peter Garrett, but dancing has never been a skill I possess.  I'm OK with that.
I would love to have more time to practice singing and guitar more, but once again, limited hours in the day means practice time is not always easy to find.  I'll do my best this year, but I don't like my chances.
27. Help win the war - beat fascism
Woody had a sticker on his guitar that read "This Machine Kills Fascists".   Perhaps I should get one for my computer keyboard.
Couldn't agree more, Woody.  I'll continue to do my best to remind folks that the kind of political neo-conservatism that is promoted by the likes of Tony Abbott is a mere few heartbeats away from fascism.  I'm sorry, but I refuse to embrace the obtuse ignorance and cold-hearted cynicism that the Liberal Party of Australia is peddling.  What's more is the party desperately needs to rename itself to once and for all cease its continual abuse of the word 'liberal'.
28. Love Mama
29. Love Papa
30. Love Pete
31. Love everybody
"I love you Mama! I love you Papa! I love you Pete!".  It sounds like a line from a Will Ferrell movie.
Since Mama, Papa and Pete would also seem to fit into the category of everybody, I'm wondering this list isn't three items shorter.
Seriously though, I've decided that I don't want to leave any of my nearest and dearest unsure of how much I care about them.  I want to make saying "I love you" more of a habit.  I'll be saying it more in 2012, and to more people.
32. Make up your mind
Seriously! And get a damned clue while you're at it, will ya?
33. Wake up and fight
I think there's something in that for all of us, don't you?  
Thanks Woody.  Happy 2012 everybody.  May it be a better year than the one just now past, and may you see your resolutions reach February intact.
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